uniGUI Master Crop Image

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  Project to crop an image and save it on the uniGUI server or download the cropped image back to client. It can upload from client, capture from webcam, import from external URL and apply some image manipulation prior to crop and download (anda save in unigui server)
Features and Resources
Upload the image to crop
  Image capture from webcam to crop
  Upload image from server to crop or from external image URL
Flexible selection grid
  Rotate, flip, zoom in/out, scale
  Set cropped image size automatically
  Three Interfaces:
  Complete: all image manipulation, selection, etc. features.
  Minimalist: Only most used features (capture, rotate, zoom, etc.)
  Basics: File Upload or Webcam Capture, Crop image, and download to client or uniGUI Server
  PS: you can edit whatever feature you want to using altering the HTML and JS files.
  No hiden fee or third part components. All code is yours.
  Yes, we offer consultancy to adapt any of these examples to your systems. Consult us to receive a quote.
  HTTPS connection required for use on your domain for the webcam image capture feature.
  No Need. All code included. No third parties components.
R$ 250,90 $49,00 (USD)
  Brazil Only

    Clique no QrCode/Botão para ver o código PIX ou aponte o seu celular.. e vc já sabe !
Downloads Download before buy it.
  Install the uniGUI RunTime embedded in this RAR file and execute StandAlone App. At request, enable video capture in your device, if testing webcam capture.
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